
BI Publisher Bursting

Reports plays important part for management. It gives a birds eye view for a set of data, which allows the top management to take business decisions. BI publisher as a tool itself provides the reporting capability for OIM. Simple reports can be created by creating a data model which are backed by SQL; and delivering the report to the required participant by configuring destination under output as follows: But what if we want to deliver the single report by splitting it into different reports containing relevant data to the individual ? Bursting is the solution. Bursting is a process of splitting data into blocks, generating documents for each block, and delivering the documents to one or more destinations. The data for the report is generated by executing a query once and then splitting the data based on a “Key” value. For each block of the data, a separate document is generated and delivered. Example implementations include: Invoice generation and delivery based on c...

Assigning the “System Administrator” Role to the user

Assigning the “System Administrator” Role to the user step 1 : Login to the self-service Step2 : Click on “Manage” tab Step3 :Go to “Organisations” tab Step4 : Click on “Top” as Organization name Step5 : Go to “Admin” tab and select “System Administrator” as Admin Role Name Step6 : Click on Assign button Step7 : Select user, Click on add selected and then click on “select” button Step8 :Now you can see that user in the User Member’s list , select the “include sub-orgs” Step9 :Check“include sub-orgs”and click on Apply button

Read OIM IT Resource via API

Objective: Many a times it becomes necessary to read  OIM IT resource via API. This method will help you  do the same. Let's start: Initialize OIM client as usual. You can follow my other post to get started with writting OIM client. Following is the method which you can use to read IT resource by providing IT Resource Name. public static HashMap<String, String> getITResourceAttributeInMap(String itResourceName)  {   HashMap<String, String>  adITResourcefileds = new HashMap<String, String> ();   try{    tcITResourceInstanceOperationsIntf tcITResourceIntf = oimClient.getService(tcITResourceInstanceOperationsIntf.class);    HashMap<String, String>  searchcriteria = new HashMap<String, String>();    searchcriteria.put("IT Resources.Name", itResourceName);    tcResultSet resultSet = tcITResourceIntf.findITResourceInstances(searchcriteria);   ...

Entitlement valid from and valid to date

Objective: Getting information regarding entitlement start and end date from OIM database. Let's start: Start date and end date plays vital role for any iam system like forgerock, sailpoint, OIM and so on. When it comes to the entitlement start date and end date, it may not give you this information on OIM GUI. But there is a way to get these details from OIM database from ENT_ASSIGN  table. Here is the query to do the same. SELECT USR_LOGIN,EL.ENT_CODE "Entitlement Name",EA.VALID_FROM_DATE,EA.VALID_TO_DATE FROM ENT_LIST EL, ENT_ASSIGN EA, USR WHERE EL.ENT_LIST_KEY = EA.ENT_LIST_KEY AND EA.USR_KEY = USR.USR_KEY AND EA.ENT_STATUS = 'Provisioned' AND UPPER(USR.USR_LOGIN) = UPPER('<USER_LOGIN>'); Conclusion : We are good to get the entitlement start and end date now :)

Troubleshooting Scheduler plugin in OIM

Objective : To understand how to troubleshoot issues with scheduler plugin registered in OIM. Prerequisites: Basic understanding of plugin registration and plugin structure. Understanding of Scheduler and its related artifacts this can be read here . Lets Start: Many a times we face challenges while working with scheduler in OIM. These challenges can be listed as follows: Plugin registration is completed successfully, but still metadata file is not present in mds. Plugin registration is completed successfully, Unable to find metadata file to create scheduled Job. Plugin registration is completed successfully, metadata file also present and scheduled job is also created but its failing and throwing NullPointerException. Plugin registration is completed successfully, but unable to find jar and metadata. and so on.... do let me know if you face any issue other than these: To troubleshoot this here are the steps you should check for: Plugin registration nee...

Reference Links for OIM

Topic Links OIM Admin Guide OIM User GuideAll OIM Guides SOA Guide OIM Admin Guide Oracle Database changing paswords OIM Tutorials OIM Tutorials Starting Business Process Editor Using Business Process Editor XPRESS Lang IDM GURU OIM concepts and all

SOA : Hello World

Objective of this tutorial: This tutorial will help you get started with simple SOA  Hello World Application. This application takes a string input and returns the output by prepending “Welcome” to it. e.g. when I run the application by providing Chaitanya as input then it returns “Welcome Chaitanya” Prerequisites: JDeveloper 11g R1 or Later with Configured SOA Plugin and SOA Server for Deployment. Lets Acheive it : Lets follow the steps below to achieve our objective. Open Jdeveloper. From File Menu –> Select New Select SOA Project and click Next Add Application Name and Directory to store the application. Click on Next. Enter Project Name and Click on Next Select Composite With BPEL Process and Clik Finish. Enter the Name and select Synchronous BPEL process and click on OK. The Complete project is ready with the .bpel file is opened.Double click on HelloWorldProcess (which is blue in color  at center.) This will display the actual BPEL ...