
Showing posts from January, 2018

Entitlement valid from and valid to date

Objective: Getting information regarding entitlement start and end date from OIM database. Let's start: Start date and end date plays vital role for any iam system like forgerock, sailpoint, OIM and so on. When it comes to the entitlement start date and end date, it may not give you this information on OIM GUI. But there is a way to get these details from OIM database from ENT_ASSIGN  table. Here is the query to do the same. SELECT USR_LOGIN,EL.ENT_CODE "Entitlement Name",EA.VALID_FROM_DATE,EA.VALID_TO_DATE FROM ENT_LIST EL, ENT_ASSIGN EA, USR WHERE EL.ENT_LIST_KEY = EA.ENT_LIST_KEY AND EA.USR_KEY = USR.USR_KEY AND EA.ENT_STATUS = 'Provisioned' AND UPPER(USR.USR_LOGIN) = UPPER('<USER_LOGIN>'); Conclusion : We are good to get the entitlement start and end date now :)