Troubleshooting Scheduler plugin in OIM

Objective : To understand how to troubleshoot issues with scheduler plugin registered in OIM.


  1. Basic understanding of plugin registration and plugin structure.
  2. Understanding of Scheduler and its related artifacts this can be read here.
Lets Start:

Many a times we face challenges while working with scheduler in OIM. These challenges can be listed as follows:

  1. Plugin registration is completed successfully, but still metadata file is not present in mds.
  2. Plugin registration is completed successfully, Unable to find metadata file to create scheduled Job.
  3. Plugin registration is completed successfully, metadata file also present and scheduled job is also created but its failing and throwing NullPointerException.
  4. Plugin registration is completed successfully, but unable to find jar and metadata.
and so on.... do let me know if you face any issue other than these:

To troubleshoot this here are the steps you should check for:
  1. Plugin registration needs a specific format of folder structure containing specific files in it. You can read more on plugins here
  2. While creating the plugin zip ensure that you are not zipping the parent folder. Many a times when creating zip we tend to right click and select send to zip option. This internally creates parent folder couple of times and hence plugin doesn't get registered. E.g. when zipped plugin folder directly it will create structure like plugin ==> plugin ==> lib  while we just need plugin ==> lib
  3. Verify if plugin registration utility is working properly and it is not the issue with utility. If the issue is with the utility and its causing issue for each and every scheduler plugin to not to seed metadata then try registering the scheduler in following way:
    1. Use upload jar utility and select option 2 [scheduled Jar] and upload the jar.
    2. Use em console to import metadata of scheduler.
  4. Ensure that there are no additional or extra spaces in the task file. This sometimes leads to NullPointerException giving no clue where the things are wrong.
  5. Additionally check if jar status in "plugins" table, you can also verify when its updated or created in the using this table 
  6. Nevertheless please let me know if there are additional steps which you found out useful to troubleshoot the same.
Conclusion :We are good to troubleshoot our scheduler plugin now :)


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